Monday, July 25, 2011


Here are some of the best random topics quotas ever. Some of them are very true and some are very funny…It’s little bit of truth and little bit of fun…You know…Phreakolosophy…

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.
Henry Ford

Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.
Oscar Wilde

Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes.
Jim Carrey

Humor is mankind's greatest blessing.
Mark Twain

Being an intellectual creates a lot of questions and no answers.
Janis Joplin

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
Albert Einstein

My formula for living is quite simple. I get up in the morning and I go to bed at night. In between, I occupy myself as best I can.
Cary Grant

Friendship often ends in love; but love in friendship - never.
Charles Caleb Colton

A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he's finished.
Zsa Zsa Gabor

I'd marry again if I found a man who had fifteen million dollars, would sign over half to me, and guarantee that he'd be dead within a year.
Bette Davis

It's the movies that have really been running things in America ever since they were invented. They show you what to do, how to do it, when to do it, how to feel about it, and how to look how you feel about it.
Andy Warhol

Any time Detroit scores more than 100 points and holds the other team below 100 points they almost always win.
Doug Collins

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Bill Cosby

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.

Fiction writing is great. You can make up almost anything.
Ivana Trump

All from: 

Stay free and confused,
Yours Phreakolosophy

Saturday, July 23, 2011


If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something

In nature, nothing is ever right. Therefore, if everything is going right ... something is wrong.

The chance of the bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet.

If you pick up a chunk of broken concrete and try to pitch it into an adjacent lot, it will hit a tree limb and 
come down right on the driver's side of your car windshield.

You will always find something in the last place you look.

The other line always moves faster.

When a broken appliance is demonstrated for the repairman, it will work perfectly.

Never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference.

Your best golf shots always occur when playing alone.

The worst golf shots always occur when playing with someone you are trying to impress.

The fish are always biting....yesterday!

The clothes washer/dryer will only eat one of each pair of socks.

Whatever you want, you can't have, what you can have, you don't want.

If you go to bed with an itchy ass, you wake up with smelly fingers.

You will find an easy way to do it, after you've finished doing it.

Window polishing; It's always on the other side.

The file you are looking for is always at the bottom of the largest pile.

The person ahead of you in the queue, will have the most complex transaction possible

Sooner or later, you will spill your beer

A spoon placed in the sink will locate to maximize splash from the faucet

Whenever you have something important to do the next morning, the alarm will never go off

The snooze bar is the greatest invention by man

Junk is something you've kept for years and throw away two weeks before you need it

Abstain from wine, women, and song; mostly song.

All from: 

Monday, July 18, 2011


In this post yours Phreakolosophy will suggest two theories that could eventually save the world. Today’s world faces with many problems such us poverty, wars, global warming and so on. Although, due to influence of the factors such as greed, corruption, limited resources, politics etc., it seems impossible to fix the world Phreakolosophy’s theories are at least some light on the end of the tunnel.

First theory includes arrival of aliens. If or even better when aliens come we will have to unite the world regardless on their intentions. If they come in peace we actually could have few issues unfixed, such as election for a president of the world or something, but if they attack us we really don’t have any other option but to unite the world.

Second theory includes little bit of already seen on TV. Second theory is invention or realisation of the Star Treck’s replicator. Replicator can fix everything, almost. The replicator can fix all problems that are created by humans, such us politics, poverty, wars and similar. What would stay unfixed are diseases and natural & weather disasters and maybe just few more, which I can’t remember now.

So basically, quit smoke, practice safe sex, keep away from drugs and volcanoes and don’t chase hurricanes and you will be just fine.

It’s naked truth.

Wisdom of the Week: "Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence."

Stay free and confused,
Yours Phreakolosophy

Saturday, July 16, 2011


After many seconds of thinking and deep analysis of current social trends yours Phreakolosophy has finally developed a revolutionary theory that could normalize social habits of the today’s humanity.

Sit at home front of a computer screen and say “Hey mom, look how many friends and followers I have” is ridiculously pathetic. Phreakolosophy is here to help, again. We are able to beat that entire social media **** Facebook, Twitter and all of them. We will get people back to normal. We will help people to forget all that **** and to get out on the streets again.

Since we are not an engineers, but just thinkers, we will not actually make the product. Moreover, the idea is relatively old, but the theory about how it will change society and beat all these **** above is originally ours.

Finally, the product we are talking about is a X-RAY GLASSES.

The x-ray glasses would help us to live healthy, to spend more time on fresh air and to laugh more often. The x-ray glasses will force you to lose some weight and it will ultimately resolve current global problem with obesity. Heart stroke rate would decrease significantly and it would help many governments to reduce their health care expenditures. The internet would serve as the source of information only and all those social media **** would finally disappear.

The industry that would benefit the most is plastic surgery. SEO would mean self-esthetics optimization rather than whatever stands for today. You don’t want somebody points finger in you and start laughs out loud, don’t you?

It’s naked truth. 

Wisdom of the Week: "If you have clear mind, you don't have to think."

Stay free and confused,
Yours Phreakolosophy

Thursday, July 14, 2011


To do or not to do that is the question. 

To do something is easy to say. Make to do list is not such a bad thing. It leads you toward some achievement, makes you a goal oriented, motivates in many cases, but it sometimes makes you frustrated and miserable as well.

Phreakolosophy is here to help. Phreakolosophy’s advice will make you winner almost every time. It’s simple, just invest few minutes and make super-motivating tool of the future; Make your own not to do list.

Yes, it is also easy to say, but will be much easier to reach a goals. Phreakolosophy doesn’t guarantee 100% successfulness of its super-motivating tool of the future, but results must be better than if to do list would be applied.

Although theoretically to do list could beat not to do list the not to do list’s major advantage is its speed.
Yes, you are the winner our friend; You won right after you have made your not to do list and you will be winner all until you actually go to see bloody baseball game because of damned free tickets. 

Your Phreakolosophy will also help you to activate your brain cells with few top not to do items.


·         See baseball game
·         Pee in the bed
·         Write to Santa Claus
·         Get married again
·         Swim with sharks

     Wisdom of the Week: 
     "If you have 50% chance of being right, you are wrong 90% of the time".

     Stay free and confused,
     Yours Phreakolosophy


Saturday, June 25, 2011


The lion, king of the animals by many, but why? Why lion, by which criterion? It should be the most something, but it is not. Is it the fastest? No, it is not. Is it the best hunter? No, it is not. Is it the biggest? No. Is it the strongest? No, it is not. Does it contribute to human society on any way? No. Does it have some kind of authority over the other animals? No. Is it the most beautiful? No, it is not. This is debatable though, but by many the Bengal tiger is the most beautiful in this category.

So, how we will judge this? By Phreakolosophy the best way to measure a competence of an animal in order to be entitled as king of the animals is to coronate an animal based on its wholesomeness to humans.

Hence, dog would be in category number one, because they from some social reason probably has become member of many families around the globe.

Cat because of same reason.

Horse, because we can ride them and make a some money betting on horse races.

Elephant, because it can work really hard, and we can ride it, and it is really big.

Chicken, because it is a tasty bestseller, and because of eggs.

Turkey, because gathers a families together sometimes.

Lamb, because it is the author’s choice. 

By Phreakolosophy the best approach to determine which animal should be the king is taste, but in this case we will agree whatever voters decide, so vote people.
Wisdom of the week:
“I have never tried a lion, until then a lamb is the king of the animals for me”.
Joke from far, far away

Stay free and confused,
Yours Phreakolosophy

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Dream of the few and the nightmare of the many. That is the politics. It is mostly associated with power and people, and of course authority, money and corruption. For ones interested about career in politics phreakolosophy will point out basic must haves to become contemporary politician.

Firstly, general knowledge about politics is recommended, although it is not requirement. There are some parties involved and they are left, right or center oriented. Please make sure you distinguish between left and right. Center is easy. It is in the middle. Since we now talk about orientation it is good to know that if you are one of yours then the other ones are the enemies, but if you are one of the other ones then the first ones are the enemies. Hence, orientation is very important. In addition to orientation, one should at least know the most important rule, which is “Don’t ever admit your mistakes”. That is pretty much it.

Secondly, contemporary politician should have specific characteristics, so you should do self-assessment before the final decision to go in the politics.

For male candidates here are listed three most important characteristics:

• Big, big muscles, or at least to be very, very handsome. (Targeting female
• Any level of sports background. (Targeting male population)
• Bachelor degree. Must be completed. (Targeting intellectuals and…you must
have a degree man)
• Smile. You must smile while eat, walk sleep, always, always, always.

If you have 3 out of 4 you are well on your way. You can start now and pump your muscles or complete degree later.

For female candidates must haves are following:

• You can have big, big muscles but beauty is not allowed. (Targeting male
• Must have a husband, but everyone must know with 100% certainty that you
are the head of the house. (Targeting female population)
• Don’t smile never, never, never, never. (Targeting intellectuals)
• Degree.

If you have 3 out of 4 you are well on your way. You can start your career now and formalized marriage later.

On the end just small detail about running you campaign or building your image. Walk your dog often, make sure the most popular singer follows your campaign for the president and tell the crowd what they want to hear not what you think.

     Wisdom of the week:
     "No matter who gets elected, Government always gets in". www.murphy'

     Stay free and confused,
     Yours Phreakolosophy

Monday, June 13, 2011


        I was bitten by dogs three times and I still like them, but they cannot be men’s best friends. My buddy         had never bite me, nor anyone else but these three dogs. Besides I don’t have to pick-up  poop  after
        my buddy. The best friends don’t do that to each other.

       Robbery of the century.

      I saw plastic Prada shoes priced at 600$. I’m not comment design simply because different people have       different tastes,  but plastic one for 600$. No way. Idiots wear Prada.

      What. Mr. Accountant please don’t be creative never again. It’s too expensive.

      This is funny.

      This one is tricky one. Let’s say it’s not all about money. Only 98.7% of everything is about money.

      I mean, come on.

      Nice fairy tale. Please email me if you see one democracy around.

      Golf hasn’t any of sports elements but competitiveness, which we also can find in many other sports such        as Monopoly for instance. Small difference is that Monopoly is team sport, all other variables are same.
      For example, an  average player is able to do 6 push-ups, nobody get sweat, ooooops. The big
      difference is in earnings. Monopolists earn fake millions whereas golfers earn a real millions, but who
      cares. It’s not all about money.

     Hahahahahahaha. I mean, seriously.

      Wisdom of the week
      "There are terrible lot of lies going about the world, and the worst of it that half of them are 
      Winston Churchill

      Stay free and confused,
      Yours Phreakolosophy

Monday, June 6, 2011

Wanna be Forrest Gump?

Mrs. Gump    “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get”. 

Sometimes it tastes like a soft caramel, sometimes bitter dark chocolate, sometimes as irresistible marzipan and sometimes it’s in artificial lemon flavour, but it is always in some sort of sweet tone, and often people want more of it.
Talking about box of chocolate or life, either way we will all, sooner or later, pick the wrong one or ugly one. It is all about picking. There is always an option, always. It is up to us to pick right one, and that is not a game. That is a life, and as one is getting older it`s less funny.

To be the Forrest Gump is the solution, but one can`t suddenly decide and switch to FG profile. It`s blessing my friends. It`s the creator`s special gift just for chosen one`s. It`s no stress, no problem sweet life, and that kind of box of chocolate is broken teeth 100% risk-free.
During the life everybody must meet at least one Forrest Gump. I personally know few of them and the way they cope with life is really something phenomenal, something I admire to. Their recipe or formula or whatever you want to call it, since FGs are even not aware of it, is so simple and it goes
  •            0 % planning
  •         0.1 % knowledge
  •       99.9 % luck
It is simple as that, but if one tries to apply it is not going to finish well.  I strongly believe we will all meet at least one of those wanna be FG failures one day.
No chance anyone to copy Forrest Gump. One who wants the no stress, no problem sweet life never going to find it. Wanna be Forest Gump? No way. What one can do is to minimize those above and to do one`s best. And now is a perfect time to cite mama Gump again ``You have to do the best with what God gave you``.

Cradle of the wisdom, your Phreakolosophy, has not perfect solution, but as we are philosophy site we can help. Try Phreakolosophy formula to cope with life, which is following:
  •         43.7 % planning
  •         56.1 % knowledge
  •           0.2 % luck (means buy lottery sometimes)
In clarification and breakdown of the formula we have to mention that small variations between first two factors are allowed, hence it can be personalized by taste preference and individually adjusted. Plus or minus 5.36% adjustments allowed only.

Start planning and learning activities early, day first recommended. Later, in early twenties you can start doing it seriously. Note, if you have missed seriousness in early 20s and if you have ignored formula in late 20s then you are going to do it in your early to middle 30s for sure.
However, if you have missed it in 30s there is very low probability you are the FG the chosen one. If you have missed it in 30s you are most likely just wanna be FG, you are failure my friend.

Wisdom of the week:
"Stupid is as stupid does"     Forrest Gump

Stay free and confused forever,
Yours Phreakolosophy


Monday, May 23, 2011

Modern Approach to Buying House

There are many different reasons why people buying a real estate properties. I would identify three different approaches to home buying:
  • Investment approach, where people buy houses as store of value, potential source of income and similar
  • Traditional approach, where people buy houses because of traditional and cultural values and needs, such as shelter and safety
  • Mixed approach, where people buy houses because of both above
Why people today actually buy houses?  Is it this type of investment actually good investment? Based on what criterions they make decisions?
Phreakolosophy is not going to answer these questions. What phreakolosophy is going to do is to offer alternative approach to decision making in this kind of purchase. Phreakolosophy’s mission is to make things even more complicated and to suggest some solutions as well.

Why not to use investment approach?                                                                                                             Because a house depreciate in value and too many factors that dictate the price. What people pay in most cases is a land, which never depreciates, but remember you never own the land 100%. It is risky business and it’s really hard just be a passive investor. It’s almost like a full-time job.

Why not to use traditional approach?
Because there is a dozen of substitutes that are way cheaper and almost identically functional. Also, average family today counts a way less members than before, so is it purchase of house really effective? Lifestyle changes globally, and traditional approach home buyers should at least consider what they giving up of and is it purchase rational decision.

Why not to use mixed approach?       
Of course because of all above, moreover, unclear goal is rarely good option.

So finally what phreakolosophy suggest for you dear currently undecided and potential future buyers is:
  • Rent forever, live a life. It is way cheaper and easier to maintain. No property or maintenance or any other taxes. You always can find a way to invest your money in less risky and volatile investments. Also, when you rent you will be more effective in terms of actual needs for space, means you already saving money on some way.
  • Buy a boat, yacht and similar vessel. You will definitely be different. You will be cool. You will be the one. Practically, you can live wherever you want. Of course it is not ideal, but it’s an option. From financial perspective, if carefully decided to apply this option, many would be surprised.  As this is just a phreakolosophy site, we will leave that to you to research.
  • Buy a house on wheels. Yes, consider motorhome or caravan as place for living. Think about home requirements and check this link please Yes, you will be cool again. You will live wherever you want. No, you don’t have to pay property tax and similar, and you own it 100%. For ones who think it’s a bit pricey, please don’t forget this is a brand new luxury caravan.                                                                                                                                                        
In conclusion, whichever phreakolosophy suggestion you choose, you will benefit in many respects, such as money saving, real ownership, more free time, more fun, more life and you will definitely be cool. If you considering buying of house, please consider what you giving up of. Also don’t forget if you buy a house you will stay a slave of your house forever.

Stay free and confused forever,
Your phreakolosophy

Wisdom of the week:

"In order to get a personal loan, you must first prove you don’t need it."                                
Murphy’s Law,

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